Member-only story
What if we Broke Up the United States?
Hello my dear mediums, and I am not talking the people who can see dead people. I hope you are all doing well on this middle of the October in 2020. What a year it has been with everything going on from our President being a different dude to a unknown virus producing global fear that we haven’t seen since maybe yesterday?! Jk. It really has been an interesting time in 2020. And people said 2019 was nuts!
My post today is concerning what would happen if we cut up the United States in to 4 different countries. Now I will admit before writing this article that I have not put a lot of thought into the logistics and all that would have to happen to do this with rules, etc. But this is an idea with macro thoughts on what could happen. We are all idea people if we think about it, and I would say 99.99% of large ideas don’t happen. That does not mean they can’t be thought about though and that is why I think writing is a great tool to put the thoughts down on paper, even if they are meaningless.
My main reason I will admit to why I think this is a good idea is because people always bring up those countries in the Nordic region of Europe. They have the best healthcare, they have they best quality of life, they have the best pay, and I could go on for sentences! And I agree with these sentiments and I think a lot of people no matter their political party agree…